Thursday, January 6, 2011

Megan Fox Claimed that She Quit.

It was reported late December 2010 that MEgan Fox claimed that she quit. I am not quite sure who to believe here but it would seem that this is a classic case of "You can't fire me. I quit!" moment. The fact is, Megan Fox and Michael Bay were not seeing eye to eye on the set of Transformer 2, to the point that Megan Fox even gives Michael Bay the lip. Who knows? Maybe they just weren't made to be together.

One thing is for sure if Megan Fox DID do something to piss Michale Bay off and this was the reason that she got axed on the new Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon Movie, then it was a big mistake! Before Transformers Megan Fox was a virtual nobody. Sure, she did get to make some cult flicks but... It was the Transformers Movie that made her into a household name.

I just hope that The new Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon Movie doesn't bomb because she is not in it.

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